The Alpe Cimbra Bike world: events, curiosities and experiences!


Do you want to stay updated on Alpe Cimbra and the news of the bike world?

This page is perfect for you! You will find interesting articles dedicated to the experiences and routes tested by our most loyal cyclists.
So, if you want to try a new bike route between Folgaria, Lavarone, Lusérn and Vigolana, you can be inspired by the reviews and advice of those who tried it before you.
We share our passion for bikes! Sharing is the best way to get to know new places, try new experiences and let yourself go safely on the adventure.

Curiosities, useful information and news: stay connected with the Alpe Cimbra Bike!


Outdoor active is an app that allows you to visualize and discover the Alpe Cimbra territory. From trekking to the bike world, on the app you will find 52 routes with description, length, duration, etc. … to live the nature and its traditions.